January Arrivals
Edinburgh Campus
Scottish Borders Campus
Wave goodbye to those January blues
8 ways to help your flatmates
5 tips for settling back into student life
How to bounce back after the break
How reading can improve your mental wellbeing
Take a moment for yourself
Rosie's Blog: How I manage my mental health
Everyone should feel they can talk about their mental health
Stress busters
Essential tips and tricks to destress
Weekly Fire Alarm Test
The University conducts weekly testing of the systems
What to do when you feel blue
It can be easy to get lost in all the hustle and bustle
Your Guide to The Chaplaincy
Heriot-Watt Uni houses a chaplaincy that is open to all
Minor Injuries Information
There is a minor injuries unit at Western General Hospital
Health Care information for International Students
How to get help as an international student