January Arrivals
Edinburgh Campus
Scottish Borders Campus
Accommodation Guarantee
What Does it Mean?
Undergraduate Room Types
Deciding on accommodation at University is exciting
What's provided in Jean Muir Student Village?
It's useful to know exactly what we provide in your halls
What's provided in a Contemporary en suite room
We provide you with some items
Postgraduate Room Types
A number of different accommodation options to choose from
Go Global Accommodation Options
There are a few accommodation options available
Top 5 Accommodation FAQs
You may have questions before you arrive at Heriot-Watt
What's provided in your accommodation
Before arriving, it's useful to know what is provided by us
Contemporary En-Suite Room Tour
Take a look around our contemporary en suite room
Traditional En-Suite Room Tour
Take a look around our traditional en suite room
What's provided in a Traditional en suite room?
We provide you with some items...