Collecting Parcels

Posted 1 year ago

No doubt you'll be getting a few orders to halls...

... Especially when you're getting settled in and making your room more homely

Therefore please be aware of the following when it comes to your mail...

Any items sent through Royal Mail will be accepted and processed by the University’s central mailroom team. Letters and small items will be delivered directly to your mailboxes by the Mailroom team, while parcels and recorded items will be delivered to ResLife. 

Once ResLife has processed the Royal Mail parcels, an email will be sent to your preferred email address notifying you of your parcel. To keep the Parcel Room running smoothly, please follow the instructions below:  

  • Use your own name on your parcel (that matches your student ID), and your full address including the hall and room number. If you use different names, the items will be returned to sender.  
  • Please ensure that you have an email from ResLife confirming you have a parcel before coming to collect.
  • Collect as soon as possible and remember to bring your student ID (photographic ID.)
  • You can only come for your parcel when the parcel room is open (6pm - 8pm, Mon-Sat)
  • Remember, you cannot pick up parcels for anyone else but yourself! 

Please be advised that any parcel that is not delivered by Royal Mail will not be handled by us, couriers will instead attempt delivery directly to your hall. The University takes no responsibility for these so please contact your courier directly if you need any help.

The parcel room is open Monday - Saturday 6pm - 8pm. Please note that anything that has not been collected after 2 weeks will be returned to sender